There are so many benefits to a flat roof, but the most obvious downside is pooling water. Flat roofs lack the natural slope that pitched roofs have, which allows water to easily run down, draining the roof. 

Water accumulation that stands in a puddle on the roof for more than 48 hours at a time is also known as ponding water. Ponding water is not an immediate issue for your flat roof, but if it persists over time, it can begin to wear on the roofing membrane, reduce the membrane’s lifespan, cause leaks, and cause other severe problems for your building. 

Fortunately, there are a few different ways to resolve ponding water issues on your flat roof. Use these tips to address standing water before it becomes a problem. 

Flush Existing Drains

Like the drains in your shower or sink, the drains on commercial roofs can become clogged with debris. If it gets serious, the clogs can lead to standing water becoming a mainstay on the roof. 

Prevent buildup by removing sticks, leaves, and other rooftop debris from the drainage system of your building. Or, let the professionals at Duerson do it for you. We can come out and perform preventative cleanings on your drainage system. Doing this once or twice a year should be enough to keep drains clog-free. 

Replace the Membrane

The membrane of your flat roof is the protective layer that shields your roof and building from moisture. If the membrane becomes damaged due to ponding water, it might be worth getting a new membrane for the entire roof. 

Many membranes are able to withstand a certain amount of ponding water, so having a more effective membrane installed can give you peace of mind. 

Fix Low Spots

Despite their name, flat roofs aren’t always completely flat. There are often subtle slopes on the surface that occur as a result of the installation process, weak spots in the roof, or debris and precipitation. The flaw is that ponding water can happen easily because of these low spots.

The best way to fix low spots is to call Duerson. We’ll fill the slopes to better direct water towards the drains and keep your flat roof safe. 

Re-Pitch the Roof

All roofs—even flat ones—need some form of sloping to them, even if it’s subtle. If your roof’s pitch was not properly designed or installed, it could have issues keeping away ponding water. Without the correct amount of slope, water can’t drain, which will lead to additional pooling across your commercial roof. 

Having your roof re-pitched can be costly, but it can also be a necessary investment to prolong the life of your flat roof and prevent internal damage to your building. 

Compress Insulation

Another leading cause of ponding water on your commercial flat roof is compressed insulation. It’s often caused by heavy roofing equipment that rests on the insulation during the installation. Repeated treading over the roof area can also lead to indentations that result in standing water as well. 

This issue can be combatted with frequent inspections. Through these, Duerson will make sure your commercial business roof is in optimal condition. 

Add More Drain Lines

If the current drainage system is unable to keep up with the amount of water on your flat roof, adding additional drains is an effective way to take care of this issue. Especially in areas with high precipitation, your flat roof may require those additional drains to properly clear the water from the roof. 

If you find your Iowa roof does need more drain lines, contact Duerson. We can install extra drain lines or even widen the existing drain attached to your building to help direct water from the rooftop.

Install Roof Crickets 

Roof crickets are ridged structures that have been designed to divert melted snow and rainwater around roofing obstructions like chimneys and vents. Because of their position and design, water often ponds around chimneys and large vents, so installing roof crickets can battle this problem. 

Keep Your Roof In Great Condition with Duerson

Standing water is a typical problem for commercial flat roofs, but it doesn’t have to lead to serious damage. With the help of professional roofing contractors at The Duerson Corporation, you can prevent or repair ponding water with ease. Reach out today to learn more about standing water on your flat roof and how Duerson can help!