If you have a flat roof you know that a great deal of maintenance goes into keeping the roof safe and looking nice. Flat roofs take a beating each year from the elements so it is important to avoid causing any additional damage. Follow these tips and learn what not to do on your flat roof!

Do Not Ignore General Safety Tips

While this one may seem obvious, it often gets overlooked. Many people assume that flat roofs are safer to work on than sloped roofs, but that is not the case. Flat roofs can be just as dangerous because they are not completely flat. To an untrained eye it’s hard to spot, but flat roofs actually have a slight slope. This can easily throw you off balance and threaten your safety.

Prevent Falls

Falls are always a concern when working on a roof, but that risk increases when you’re unaware of the surface beneath you. Guidelines for preventing falls include wearing some kind of harness and putting up guard rails that will stop you if you do fall.

Avoid Tripping

Tripping hazards also pose a safety threat to you. Sometimes there is extra equipment or exposed wires and if you do not have a good awareness of your surroundings, you might find yourself seriously injured. A good way to avoid this is by creating safe, designated walkways with tape and remembering to not leave things lying around.

Beware of Harsh Weather

Another thing to keep in mind is the weather. In the warmer months, roofs can get extremely hot from the sun and during the colder months, harsh winds pose a great threat. Making sure you avoid heat exhaustion and wearing proper protective equipment for the weather is key for keeping yourself safe.

Overall, do not ignore any safety guidelines whether they are general or specific to the work location. If you do, you not only put your health at risk but the well being of your roof as well.

Do Not Let Debris Build Up

Another thing you should not do on your flat roof is let debris like branches and leaves build up. Build-up happens much quicker on flat roofs due to the lower slope than traditional roofs. This built-up debris can prevent proper drainage and lead to ponding water. This, in turn, can cause leaks and severely damage your building.

Accumulated snow can also be harmful to your flat roof. As winter wears on, snow can become quite heavy and potentially cause your roof to collapse. This event is more likely if your roof has already experienced damage that has gone untreated.

Generally, it is a good rule of thumb to take a look every couple of months to prevent build-up. Checking before and after winter can be beneficial by reducing any excess weight before the snow comes and will let you know if any damage was brought on by the heavy snow and ice.

Do Not Ignore Warning Signs

If you see something that looks a little bit off or like it could lead to a bigger issue, speak up! More often than not, these small signs will lead to a larger issue and bring harm to your flat roof and even the rest of your structure. Concerns like pooling water, loose fasteners and a deteriorating membrane are real threats to your roof and should be addressed immediately.

Do Not Try a DIY Solution

Lastly, stay away from do-it-yourself solutions. Flat roof maintenance should always be done by a professional. If you don’t hire a professional, you run the risk of causing more damage and/or voiding your manufacturer’s warranty.

If you have discovered your flat roof needs care or replacement, contact the experts at Duerson today! We are commercial and industrial roofing contractors serving the midwest and installing the best roof in the world!