Commercial roof budgeting can be overwhelming—especially if you don’t have a deep understanding of commercial buildings. Between construction and ongoing maintenance, it can sound like an intimidating investment. 

At Duerson, we know what it takes to keep your roof in great shape. Here is everything we think you should consider when planning your budget for your commercial roof.

Prioritize Commercial Roof Maintenance

Part of your budget should be reserved for regular maintenance and upkeep of your flat roof. Maintenance prevents minor repairs from turning into expensive problems—like needing to have your roof replaced. It also ensures that your roof installation lasts as long as it should, so you get your money’s worth on your investment. 

Plan for Regular Roofing Inspections

When you’re planning your budget to maintain your commercial flat roof, you’ll want to consider unforeseen repairs. The best way to catch or stay on top of these is by having your roof routinely inspected by a professional, like Duerson. Regular inspections throughout the year can help you have a better idea of how much you’ll need from your budget and when you’ll need to use it.  

Include Climate Considerations Into Your Calculations

In Iowa, we deal with snow, ice, and extreme temperatures throughout the year. All of these weather conditions can have a negative impact on your roof, so you may want to allot for unexpected damages to your commercial roof due to inclement weather within your budget.

Most durable roofs account for freezing, thawing, and roof expansion but it’s wise to set aside a safety net in your budget just in case. 

Know How to Calculate the Cost of Replacement

It’s a good idea to know exactly how much it would cost you to replace your commercial roof. There are several variables to factor in when calculating the cost of a roof replacement.

Consider what you will want the roof to be made from (such as PVC roofing), what materials will be installed underneath the outer covering, what is attached or coming out of your roof’s surface, the fasteners to be used, and the building code requirements for your area. 

Reduce Costs with Duro-Last

With a Duro-Last prefabricated single-ply roofing system, you can plan to save money and reduce your overall budget. Duro-Last roofs are measured to your exact specifications, so you don’t waste any extra money on installation. The white membrane has the highest retained reflectivity of any single-ply roofing system, which saves energy and money for your building. 

Not only is the Duro-Last roofing system extremely durable to stand the test of time, but it’s also backed by a standard 15-year warranty. So even if you notice issues early on, you’re covered. 

Budgeting for Your Commercial Roof? Duerson Is Here to Help

Your roof is one of the most important aspects of your building, and we understand that it can also be one of the biggest financial aspects to budget for. With the help of our regular inspections and maintenance, we can keep your roofing costs low until it’s time for a replacement. And even then, we’re right by your side!

If you have any questions about the regular cost of maintenance or a full roof replacement, give us a call today!