At The Duerson Corporation, it’s no secret that we exclusively use Duro-Last products on all of our roofing jobs. If your commercial building still uses asphalt or gravel for its flat roof, you are costing yourself tons of money every year. If you haven’t considered the change or are holding back from having a re-roof or roof replacement, here is what you are missing out on.

Commercial Building Energy Savings

The energy saving benefits of a single-ply PVC roof from Duro-Last are simply amazing. A white-faced membrane has a reflectivity rate of 0.65, which means that 65% of the solar rays are reflected while it only absorbs 35% of it. For even higher reflectivity, Duro-Last’s Cool Zone roofing has shown to reduce energy consumption by up to 40% in some cases. The dark, heavy, and absorbent materials that make up gravel and tar roofs heat up commercial buildings, ultimately raising the amount of energy consumed by them.

Durability & Reliability For Your Building

Duro-Last roofing membranes are highly resistant to fires, grease, UV rays, high winds, and punctures. Not only that, but Duro-Last has to be able to withstand the brutal temperatures of the Midwest. Duro-Last products are able to withstand the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows, all while only needing very little maintenance. With proper care, a Duro-Last single-ply PVC roof should be able to last you 20-30 years.

Sustainability & Eco-Friendliness

PVC roofing materials are highly recyclable, and many PVC manufacturers recycle PVC from previous commercial roofing jobs towards products for new ones. Since PVC also lowers the amount of heat radiating from your building, it ultimately helps reduce the temperature of the environment around you. On top of that, the durability and longevity of PVC roofs means that less materials will need to be used, keeping landfills less polluted with asphalt and tar materials.

Multiple Product Options

No two commercial roofs are the same, and both The Duerson Corporation and Duro-Last understand that you might need something different than the norm. We are able to install a multitude of different roofing options to fit the needs of your commercial building. You can check out all of the product options we offer here.

Professional Commercial Roof Installation

The Duerson Corporation has been installing commercial roofs around the Midwest since 1986. We believe in providing more than just a roof, as well. We provide insight and honest feedback for all of our customers and potential customers. Consider getting a FREE roof analysis from us to see what the state of you company’s flat roof is. If you have questions or need to get a hold of us, contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you.